Adinkra | yebesi woC soC a anka yeSee woC ma. |
English | If they had intended to serve you a second time you would have got a calabashful the first time. |

Adinkra | yebesi woC soC a anka yeSee woC ma. |
English | If they had intended to serve you a second time you would have got a calabashful the first time. |
Mmofra mmofra is a popular rhyme song in Ghana.
Adinkra | Akan | English |
mmcfra mmcfra | Mmofra mmofra | Children Children |
yEs auntiE | Yes auntie | Yes auntie |
mmcfra mmcfra | Mmofra mmofra | Children Children |
yEs auntiE | Yes auntie | Yes auntie |
tEa noC wc hEC? | Tea no wo he? | Where is the tea? |
yanoCm | Yanom | We drunk it |
paanoCoC noC wc hEC? | Paanoo no wo he? | Where is the bread? |
yEdi | Yedi | We ate it |
kuruwa noC wc hEC? | Kuruwa no wo he? | Where is the cup? |
yabc | Yabo | We broke it |
iyi WEC mEC kotiE | Iyi dze me kotie | That I will not accept |
yepa Qew | Yepa kyew | We beg you |
iyi WEC mEC kotiE | Iyi dze me kotie | That I will not accept |
yepa Qew | Yepa kyew | We beg you |
Adinkra | mEC ye wiasEC nkasaECe. dECe ewc wiasEC Ninaa wc mEC mu. |
English | I am an expression and a reflection of the universe. The whole universe exist within me. |
Adinkra | qaECe a aZEC woC noC, yemfre noC qaEC wa. |
English | You don’t call the forest that has saved you a small forest. |
Adinkra | “yen toC nhwe aCpuEECe ana atcECe: ye toC kc yaCnim.” – csaZECfoC dr qamEC nkroCma |
English | “We face neither East nor West: We face forward.” – Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah |
Adinkra | “if you don’t likE somEthing ChangE it. if you Can’t ChangE it, ChangE your attitudE.” – maya angElou |
English | “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou |
Adinkra | fawoChoCdiE enEC cbre na enam |
English | Independence comes with its responsibilities |
Adinkra | “ema woC wECre firi se Nansa na ye dEC di wiasEC soC, cQasECa fa wiasEC soC chaw. Enti twEC woC hoC fi nQasECasem hoC na twEC ben Nansa.” – marCus garvEy |
Akan (Twi) | “Ema wo were firi se nyansa na ye de di wiase so, okwasea fa wiase so ohaw. Enti twe wo ho fi nkwaseasem ho na twe ben nyansa.” – Marcus Garvey |
English | “Never forget that intelligence rules the world and ignorance carries the burden. Therefore, remove yourself as far as possible from ignorance and seek as far as possible to be intelligent.” – Marcus Garvey |
Adinkra | “mECnhoCmEC kcpECm se aCbibimma bedc wcn hoC se wcn hoC.” – dr franCEs CrEss wElsing |
Akan | “Menhome kopem se abibiman bedo won ho se won ho” – Dr. Frances Cress Welsing. |
English | “I won’t rest until black children are taught to love themselves as themselves.” – Dr. Frances Cress Welsing |
Adinkra | EZa nEC aCtuduro nSia. |
Akan (Twi) | Egya ne atuduro nhyia. |
English | Fire and gun powder do not mix. |